I happen to know that desserts is stressed spelled backwards, the pair of words making a semordnilap.
Any more, I hardly ever look to desserts for comfort when I am stressed out. (Although I used to regularly take the pint of premium coffee ice cream from full to half-mast.)
As a widow, I've developed a couple of wonderful desserts for the person contentedly eating alone at home in his or her sweats or jammies.
One, cover a saucer with a single layer of chocolate chips and microwave for one minute. The chocolate chips may maintain their perky kiss shape or melt completely. Eat--and scrape off--with a spoon.
Two, put about four tablespoons of sugar in a small saucepan or omelet pan, set on the stove at somewhere between warm and low. Watch! Don't wander off, or you will get black sludge stuck to the bottom of the pan.
After a time, the sugar will begin to liquify and caramelize. When this starts to happen, stir briefly with a spatula. After a little more time, the sugar liquid will become a caramelly color. Wait a moment longer while it becomes slightly darker, from honey blond to tawny blond. Meanwhile, butter your trusty saucer.
Snatch the caramel from the heat and pour onto the saucer, using the spatula to help you. As it cools, the caramel will harden into a lovely windowpane of hard candy. Loosen from the saucer if necessary, lift to the eye and see the world in caramel, and bite into it.
Just desserts, I say. And no more stress.
Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting in the perfect, pop-that-sweet-right-in-your-mouth size.
This image was originally posted to Flickr by SweetPeaCupcakes at http://flickr.com/photos/7758668@N07/503477519. It was reviewed on 25 May 2007 by the FlickreviewR robot and confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.
This is sweet! And so you. Most of us are far more likely to just grab a handful of chocolate chips out of the bag. Your style is more nurturing.
I was always partial to melting brown sugar and butter together in a saucepan. And when I was young, back when sugar bowls and butter dishes were normally on the table, I discovered the pleasure of swiping my finger through the butter and then dragging it over the sugar.
For the times I couldn't cook. Or my mother was approaching.
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